Blind Guardian of Piece
Once upon a time, Dwarf, Elf, Man, and Wizard decided to start a band. Elf wanted to sing classical opera, Wizard wanted to write texts about the honor of ancient warriors, Man wanted to play heavy metal guitar and Dwarf brought his own drums and hammers. They started a band and called it... Blind Guardian!
It's a joke, of course, but with a drop of truth. Blind Guardian is an old band, formed in 1984 in Germany. Initially, they played another kind of music, speedy and heavy. But eventually, they turned their attention to fantasy stories and tales, which became a turning point. In fact, they are considered the founders of Power Metal—the sort of heavy metal music with plots about elves and dragons, wars and warriors, honor and valor.
Specifically, one of their albums is Nightfall in Middle Earth, fully based on J.R.R. Tolkien's book Silmarillion. It is a history tutorial for the Lord of the Rings characters. It tells tales and stories of ancient times, preceding events of the main book. The album is a powerful representation of what rock opera could be. Some songs are literally mini intros or bridges of the whole story when the minstrel tells how he feels on stage between the audience, or when the main antagonist Morgoth says his line.
I was introduced to this music exactly because their Lord of the Rings fleur - my brother brought it to me in times before internet telling - I might love it. I shelved it for a while but later I found it and enjoyed it the most.
The whole energy from this music is the same as from the book and movie about elves, dwarfs, and men - it's all about being worthy. It's about evil which desires only power, about the weak who want that piece of power too, but forget that one who has power doesn't share it. And about small ones, rogue ones who doesn't want to possess the power, but have enough will to handle it. Paradox of our world, isn't it? Who is the true leader - the one who wants it or the one who can handle it?
I cannot remember how many times I actually watched the movie. Probably 6 or 7. And will watch it again several times at least, since it reminds me how to be a human. Sometimes the atmosphere of that world is not fancy, in fact, it is rough and scary. But there is always hope. If a handful of people hiding in a stronghold surrounded by thousands of enemies still has hope so do I. Compared to that, any of my troubles are easily solvable.
This time I'm very happy to watch it with my wife and small daughter together. She became old enough to treat things right and actually understands what happens apart from fights, as well as she's appreciating so much great natural scenery in this film.
What about Blind Guardian and the music? I put it for the New Year's week because it's so hopeful, beautiful, and epic, it brings me the feeling that everything can be handled and is alright. This music reminds me that there is something bigger than me in this world. There is a big endless story, in which I'm participating. What I need to do is just walk along my road and not turn away from it.