Old Gods of Asgard
From a first guess, it should be some kind of old Vikings power metal band… which is totally not true. In fact - this is a mysterious never really existing band. If you heard about games like Max Payne, Alan Wake, and Alan Wake 2… by Remedy - they all have great soundtracks. Specifically, the plot of Alan Wake's games has a mysterious fictional music band - Old Gods of Asgard. The game's main character sees their posters during a game and their music sounds all over. (The whole game by the way has a really special attention to sound engineering part. They have recorded sounds specifically for a game with field recorders and put special delays to bring horror and fear feeling).
Of course, somebody should have written and recorded real music for the fictional game band, which was done by one Finnish Band - Poets of the Fall. To be precise - 3 folks for the band - Marko, Olli, and Markus. They made up songs for all games for that game dev company, bringing a really special feeling. But the last one - Alan Wake - became a real hit! They dressed up and rocked Northern Gods and performed! One of the best songs to my taste is Take Control!
But there is a whole Spotify Artist created for this band https://open.spotify.com/artist/4BMtxSIHPpG1WM2TbvNjiR?si=s_WEwSTSRGqw9RG_v3-O3A It’s heavy but tender, musical but not too complicated, intense and mindful….
It also reminds me of fun and interesting book by Neil Gaiman - Norse Mythology, which tells about the old gods of Norse in an easy and fun way, like they are humans with the same feelings and desires. Enjoy the Friday and listen to the good music!