Roar To Prevail

Roar To Prevail

This is gonna be cruel. I decided to write about the band Slaughter to Prevail after I watched the interview with their frontman - Alex Terrible. I was very interested in this guy's life path. It is one of a kind, to be honest. But when it got to the music itself...

Alex grew up in the middle of Siberia, city of Ekaterinburg. He had quite a normal childhood with the exception, he grew up with a stepfather. He didn't know how to play musical instruments, nor did he write music, but he always was able to sing. I think just singing was quite boring to him. This guy wanted to reach the limits and do something that no one really did. One of such things - growling. It is when the singer roars instead of singing. Over the years he mastered his skill of growling. The interview has a moment when he explains in simple words how it goes - the larynx goes down with throat muscles and the voice becomes lower, very different from a normal voice. He mastered this to be able to talk and sing in a growling manner. It really sounds like the big bear is talking to you.

Such a thing itself might not be new in the music arena, but Alex did it to the extreme state and showed himself on YouTube by covering Linkin Park song in that rude growling manner. Since then, he got noticed and one musical producer contacted him. Usually, it happens vice versa. They started a band, found guitarists and drummer, and pushed several albums together. Now he lives in the USA, tours with Marilyn Manson and Five Fingers Death Punch, records albums, and tries all extreme ways of life like participating in big fights, hugging big bears, and trying to share a raw chicken with a tiger. I cannot imagine such things to be honest, but this guy can really say - yeah, I did hug a real bear and I'm alive yet.

What draws my attention, is how he thinks and shares. There is no hate in his words. There is a lot of self-reflection. He has the balls to say - I did lots of stuff wrong and I would not do it again. His creativity in the music arena is to raise the energy, let it go, bring the feeling of ancient animal to the outside, and reflect on it.

Of course, some of the images he translates are very stereotypic, but I get it. It's OK to show all common things like vodka, guns, and bears when you are making a music video with a Russian background. Why not, if it draws attention and can bring an audience? It never really means a thing. When the interviewer asked the group Slayer about the song God Hates Us All - does God really hate? - the answer was a very nice smile - God doesn't hate, it just sounds good. It's all needed to shock you and have attention for a while.

The problem for me is the music itself. I can get and like the idea, vibes, and all around it. Even voice - it's cool! But when it is assembled all together... I don't feel it. I honestly tried listening to it for several weeks. And every time after switching between a couple of songs I gave up and moved to something else. What I almost liked was the song Viking. It does bring a picture of warlike Vikings, who can speak on language of a sword. But it's quite hard to get a feeling of songs, where the drummer competes with guitarists in speed all the time. I don't feel it as the whole thing. It is fast, heavy, and cruel for ears. And don't forget - I like heavy music in general!

Rammstein gives you melody, vibrating air, and a very holistic feeling. Each song explores some negative society topic. It doesn't pull you in it but shows what can exist. Northern Fleet (Russian band) gives you the feeling of an ancient Viking warrior, with honesty and sorrows. Blind Guarding would rise you to the high skies of honor, home defense, and friendship. Dio (rest in peace) would surround you with power, tales, and eternal blessings.... all these are heavy metal groups, the same as today's guest Slaughter to Prevail. But I cannot put into words what I feel (or do I feel at all?) about their music.

Try this video if you dare and not afraid of horror tales